Sentence Pattern : Subject, Verb, Complement, Modifiersumber

A Sentence is the basis for intelligible communication in the English language . Sentence Pattern is sentences are made up of at least two of these four basic parts : subject, verbs, complement, and modifier.
1.    Subject
Subject is thing or person that performs or responsible for the action of a sentence and normally precedes the verb.
example :
· I went to a restaurant last night

2.    Verb
verb is kalimat yang menunjukkan suatu pekerjaan atau aktifitas.
example :
· Jane reading that book

3.    Complement
Complement is answer the question what or whom, It actually like noun or noun phrase.
Example :
· He was smoking a cigarette
question : What was he smoking ?
answer : a cigarette
4.    Modifier
Modifier is answer the question when, where or how, modifier explain time, place, or manner from a action.
Example ;
· We ate dinner at seven o’clock.
When did we eat dinner?
answer : of time
sumber :

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Universitas Gunadarma

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